What To Do During a Dip (Not to be taken seriously)


Market dips suck. I keep glancing at my portfolio and I don’t see much green.

So instead of continuing to look at my phone here are some things I may do and you could go do as well.

  1. Climb a tree- Try not to fall and break your leg. Start with a small tree
  2. Go jogging- Not what I am going to do but people like this, apparently
  3. Clean the house- I put this right after jogging because I won’t do this either
  4. Watch a movie- I don’t advise watching the new IT, with your 10 yr old daughter
  5. Play video games- Don’t play GTA 5 and go to the strip club with your son beside you

And here is what I will definitely do. It is so much fun, at least for me.

Go bother the wife. 

It is so much fun because it is also dangerous. If you don’t have a significant other just use someone you like to annoy. Good times.

Hopefully, this kept you from looking at your portfolio and made you laugh. During a dip when most people are losing money it is important too still laugh.

She hates it when I annoy her on purpose
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