Light At The End Of The Tunnel?


With Wyoming passing a crypto bill what can this mean?

It very well could be what we have been waiting for. About DAMN time.

So many people are worried about what regulations may come and all the uncertainty. This is a valid concern. With Wyoming leading the way all the uncertainty may be coming to an end.

What I feel the crypto world needs is some guidelines. Not necessarily regulation or rules, but something that gives everyone a sense of clarity.

Even the simplest of things needs some guidance.

No more guessing how it will affect taxes. No more questions about what is a security token or not.

Once governments start to tell us what they are thinking, we will have verification that crypto is real.

This could be what they do not want to do.

The government has to be worried about what crypto can do. It will disrupt the status quo, something I doubt they want. 

And then what, fu** who knows. But I think it will be good. Moving forward is what we should want to do. Not stay the same. 

People are scared of change. The internet scared people and look how that turned out.

Let us stop being chicken shi*s and move forward.

It’s time.


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