Emotions Got Me, Wyoming ICO’s



Portfolio had a nice move up to $4k, now has moved down to around $3700. Some coins have been making jumps of 10-20% and then falling down. Hopefully, they can retain some of these jumps up and keep going.

Here is what’s covered in the video-

I have been trading more often lately. Trying to build my portfolio with small profits and then buying back in.

Well, emotions got the better of me on one trade. Damn it, I know better but still took the chance.

I did remember the experience later that day and did not move up my buy price.

Wyoming has differentiated between Security and Utility ICO’S. This will hopefully make investing easier in the future.

If you do not want to deal with the SEC, knowing that an ICO you are looking at is a Security is exactly what you want.

Here is the video covering it all more in depth.


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