About Me

My Family
My Family

Glad you are here. Before we get into cryptocurrency let me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in Selby, SD. It is a small town of 707 people. I worked on my father’s farm while growing up there. After graduating high school I went to Black Hills State University for two years. I then transferred to Dakota State University where I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Security and E-Commerce.

I met my wife, Lyndsey, while in college and we had our first child, Lanie in February of 2007. We then moved to Littleton, Co. Lyndsey worked as a nanny while I went to school for Executive Protection. Executive Protection is for higher end security work. After a year there Lyndsey’s nanny family moved to Pleasanton, CA and took us with them

While there I worked as a bouncer at a nightclub. This was an eye opening experience from which I have many interesting stories. After two years there we decided to have another kid and move closer to home.

We moved to Pierre, SD where I started work at AT&T and Lyndsey opened a daycare. In February 2011 Liam was born. I was not there because I had Influenza A and B. I thought I was going to die.

After a few years at AT&T I decided to work with my father and bought part of his Fed Ex contract. I currently still do this job. Lyndsey still runs her own daycare.

In August 2015 Maylee was born. She is the craziest of all our children and keeps us on our toes. I love being a father and family man.

As for cryptocurrencies I have known about Bitcoin since around 2011. In March 2017 I started to pay more attention to the crypto world and in July I really started to take it seriously. I then started to make small, $10 purchases of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. But as my knowledge grew I started making bigger investments and into many other coins.

For hobbies I like to read (First Law Trilogy and The Dark Tower are my favorite), watch movies (Fight Club and Shawshank are probably more favorite) and tv shows, play video games, but crypto has basically taken over all of those. Now most of my free time is dedicated to staying up to date in the crypto world.

Hopefully this gives you at least a small understanding of who I am.

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